Tagged: stripper


Hustlers (2019)

Hustlers is a somewhat different take on the traditional crime film, ostensibly exploitative and glossy on the surface, but with some surprising themes to ponder underneath. This one is inspired by the real-life story,...


Magic Mike (2012)

Director Steven Soderbergh (Haywire, Ocean’s Thirteen) continues to expand his horizons by taking on the world of male strippers, something that is always tantalizing, and yet rarely has gotten big-screen treatment from Hollywood in the...


I Know Who Killed Me (2007)

Star Lindsay Lohan (Georgia Rule, Chapter 27) spends the bulk of this movie trying to get revenge on the mysterious person who has “killed” her, although the person she really needs to exact justice on...


Closer (2004)

Some dramas which revolve around relationships, especially with people who speak from raw emotion, make me feel like a voyeur, peeking in on private conversations and intimate moments I wouldn’t ever see otherwise.  Then...


Overnight Delivery (1998)

If I would have known that Jason Bloom was at the helm, the man responsible for one of the worst films I’ve ever had the misfortune to see, Bio-Dome, I would have stayed far, far...


Made (2001)

Fans of Jon Favreau’s first effort, Swingers, have eagerly anticipated a follow-up to one of their most beloved films by the same creative mind. However, whether or not Favreau’s latest film, Made, is a success or...