Tagged: surreal


The Fits (2015)

Toni (Hightower) is a tough but socially disconnected eleven-year-old girl from the projects in Cincinnati, who is a regular participant and a helpful assistant in the nearby community center, where her older brother, Jermaine (Minor),...


Enemy (2013)

Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners, Incendies) directs this loosely surreal Javier Guillon (The Boy Who Smells Like Fish, Invader) adaptation of the 2002 Jose Saramago novel, “The Double.”  Some viewers will see tangential similarities to the...


Dead Man (1995)

Jim Jarmusch’s films are a definite acquired taste, speaking volumes to a small, but very loyal following of fans, while seeming too surreal and quirky to most everyone else.  My personal feeling towards his...