Tagged: Thandie Newton


W. (2008)

A politics hawk like myself will find the premise of W. fascinating above and beyond the merit of its filmmaking value.  Oliver Stone (World Trade Center, U-Turn) has been an uneven director throughout his career, and if...


Mission: Impossible II (2000)

Rather than calling this basically in-name-only sequel to the successful De Palma directed outing of 1996 Mission: Impossible, they really should have just called it John Woo XI. This basically is just a continuation of the...


Crash (2004)

With its large cast and interweaving storylines of tragedy, the comparisons to Magnolia are probably warranted, although Paul Haggis’ Crash doesn’t come close to capturing the inspiration and artistic heights of the film it emulates.  Still, the...


Shade (2003)

I suppose that if you were to never have seen a film involving grifters, especially one of the many to have emerged in just the past five years alone, you might find Shade to be passable,...


The Truth About Charlie (2002)

I’ve often referred to movies as “half-baked” but it’s a rare instance when I find one that I can label as “over-cooked.”  The Truth About Charlie is one of those instances.  It’s actually quite a shame...