Tagged: thief


Cradle 2 the Grave (2003)

Cradle 2 the Grave marks the third hip hop kung fu gangsta flick from Polish cinematographer Bartkowiak (Romeo Must Die and Exit Wounds being the other two), and the result isn’t bad, it’s just more of the same.  Cradle is...


The Big Bounce (2004)

One of the many reasons that people enjoy reading Elmore Leonard is for the observations made by the colorful characters, and the asides they make are just as enjoyable as the overall story itself. ...


The Italian Job (2003)

“Marky Mark” Wahlberg must have been kicking himself in the fanny after passing up the chance to be in the immensely entertaining Steven Soderbergh heist flick, Ocean’s Eleven.  His commitment to the critically panned remake...


Confidence (2003)

The con game has been a frequently visited subject in the realm of film, but it has almost become its own genre in the last couple of years.   Heist, Nine Queens, Ocean’s Eleven, The Score come readily...


To Catch a Thief (1955)

To Catch a Thief is Alfred Hitchcock’s second of four collaborations with screenwriter John Michael Hayes (Rear Window, The Trouble with Harry, The Man Who Knew Too Much were the others), bringing light mystery elements and...


Running Out of Time 2 (2001)

Although the directing credits go to two directors, I can’t imagine Johnny To did much, if anything, in this sequel to his terrific Running Out of Time.  That’s not just because this version is inferior;...


City on Fire (1987)

There is no denying that City on Fire was an influence on Quentin Tarantino, a notorious aficionado of Hong Kong flicks, and his first film, Reservoir Dogs.  In fact the last 20 minutes of this film can...


Ocean’s Eleven (2001)

The amazing Steven Soderbergh is at it again, showing a mastery of a new genre with almost every film he’s made.  After the Academy Award nominated films Erin Brockovich and Traffic, Soderbergh goes for a fun and...


Martial Angels (2001)

Even if there isn’t much to films like Charlie’s Angels except babes in skin tight outfits kicking butt and blowing things up, somehow that’s almost enough to be entertained by these days.  Martial Angels is Hong Kong’s attempt...


Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

Bonnie and Clyde is based on a notorious but true story.  The events are set in the 1930s, dealing with a recently released bank robber, Clyde Barrow (Warren Beatty, Heaven Can Wait) who hooks up with a...