Tagged: Tim Matheson


1941 (1979)

The Japanese didn’t plan an assault on Hollywood, Spielberg did. One of his few misfires, but it’s a big one, 1941 sees director Steven Spielberg having fun playing with a “sky’s the limit” budget and...


Magnum Force (1973)

As long as you aren’t expecting this follow-up to Dirty Harry to live up to the style, influence, and thematic resonance of its predecessor, Magnum Force delivers the goods to action movie junkies, as well as Eastwood’s myriad...


National Lampoon’s Animal House (1978)

Here’s another review that will most likely get me in trouble with the film’s biggest fans, as Animal House is generally considered to be a comedy classic among many circles.  I’ve seen it a few times...


Van Wilder (2002)

For the purposes of this review, I chose to watch the unrated version of National Lampoon’s Van Wilder because it’s probably the version most people will opt to watch now that it’s on video.  Boy,...


The Story of Us (1999)

Here’s a sure rule of thumb for film criticism: If Betty White is in it, it must be bad. (And I love Betty White) After 15 years of ups and down in their marriage, Ben...


Fletch (1985)

Fletch is based on a 1974 novel from Harvard-educated author Gregory McDonald, who had just left his job working as a journalist for”The Boston Globe” to write his book based somewhat on his and...