Tagged: Timothy Dalton


Hot Fuzz (2007)

A distinctly British rural murder mystery flick if injected with a Hollywood action extravaganza mentality, this is one semi-parody of bad thrillers that takes its main joke too far. Hot Fuzz might meet the entertainment quotient...


The Living Daylights (1987)

It’s interesting to see that, after the critical failure that was A View to a Kill, that the brain trusts behind the Bond franchise would choose to ride the same horses behind the scenes, as...


Flash Gordon (1980)

Flash Gordon is another glitzy, bloated Dino de Laurentiis big-budget production that emphasizes eye-candy first, story elements last.  It’s based on the popular 1930s comic strip of the same name, which itself has been adapted...


Agatha (1979)

The great mystery writer Agatha Christie did disappear for eleven days and cause quite an uproar of speculation in the press of her day.  She was found in a sanitarium using the name of...