Tagged: Timothy Hutton


Ordinary People (1980)

Nominated for six Oscars, and winner of four, Ordinary People is a small-scale drama that is almost as notorious for besting Raging Bull for Best Picture as it is for being a good film.  Although it seems like...


The Good Shepherd (2006)

Now here’s a movie that will surely test your movie watching mettle.  Excessively lengthy, emotionally cold as ice, and thematically overambitious, The Good Shepherd will draw its share of detractors from the impatient, the confused,...


Last Holiday (2006)

Last Holiday remakes the 1950 classic in typically contrived Hollywood fashion, ratcheting up the cuteness factor, while plausibility and any sense of subtlety are largely absent for the duration.  What it does have is...


Secret Window (2004)

Note: This review doesn’t contain any overt spoilers, but film savvy readers may pick up on some things they may not want to know.  Skip the next paragraph if you don’t want to take...