Tagged: twins


The Parent Trap (1998)

The Parent Trap is a Disney family movie, and that doesn’t mean it’s just for kids — adults can enjoy this just as much.  Although it’s a remake of the 1961 Disney classic, it...


Adaptation. (2002)

I have to be honest here.  After being completely mesmerized by the first hour or so of the latest Charlie Kaufman/Spike Jonze collaboration, Adaptation, I had a notion it would easily be my favorite film of...


The House of Yes (1997)

The House of Yes will probably not be for all tastes, as the subject of incest among twins probably won’t be considered funny or entertaining to many a viewer, especially when combined with the tragic...


The Man in the Iron Mask (1998)

Leonardo DiCaprio plays dual roles as the King of France and his twin brother Phillippe, who was cast in an iron mask to conceal his identity and thrown in prison to spend the rest...