Tagged: Victor Garber


Dark Waters (2019)

Dark Waters is a film based on the true story of a corporate lawyer who ends up taking on DuPont Chemical. The origin of the screenplay originated from a Nathaniel Rich expose on attorney Rob...


Sicario (2015)

Emily Blunt (Into the Woods, Edge of Tomorrow) stars as FBI agent and SWAT team member Kate Macer, whose services are voluntarily enlisted in helping out a mysterious group of black ops law-enforcement agents headed...


Titanic (1997)

For me, James Cameron’s Titanic has always been a tale of two halves.  The first half — the setup — is schmaltzy and not particularly well written.  The second — the disaster movie — is balls-out,...


Legally Blonde (2001)

It’s time Reese Witherspoon finally comes to terms with the fact that she could very well be the most appealing comedienne working in films today.  If she were to do more comedies and fewer...