Tagged: vigilante


The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Years ago, I had claimed that, despite its faults, X-Men: The Last Stand was the best third film in a superhero series to date, which goes more to show how ideas seem to dissipate once the...


Double Dragon (1994)

The futuristic video game brawler known as “Double Dragon” was, for a period of time, the number-one coin-operated game in America. It was created by the Japanese game company Technos in 1987 and became...


Kick-Ass (2010)

Many before me have commented that Kick-Ass, the movie, is also a kick-ass movie, and I’ll just say that I agree with that assessment.  Having been a minor fan of the Mark Millar/John Romita Jr....


Watchmen (2009)

The film version of what many consider to be the apex of creative superhero comic book writing finally gets made, after nearly a decade of starts and stops, most notably by the likes of...


The Shadow (1994)

Walter B. Gibson’s famous long-dormant character of the 1930s gets a 1990s update, primarily fitting in the mold of other crime-fighting superhero efforts like Batman and Darkman, both characters whose artistic origins are influenced by the original...


Batman Begins (2005)

Easily the best Batman movie made to date (later bested by its sequel), Batman Begins takes an ice-cold franchise and makes it red-hot again by reinventing itself.  When we last left the series, Joel Schumacher had run...


Jimmy Hollywood (1994)

Jimmy Hollywood has always been a bit of a guilty pleasure for me, as I do concede that the main thrust of this satire is unfocused, losing itself on occasion under secondary side stories...


Death Wish (1974)

Death Wish succeeds more as an anti-liberal backlash than as a movie, with an engaging premise of a conscientious objector who takes up arms in the streets of New York City when he finds that...


The Punisher (2004)

While I am a comic book fan, and I have collected many issues of Marvel’s “The Punisher” and some of its offshoot titles, I do feel that the character’s limitations make it a weak...