Tagged: Vince Vaughn


Old School (2003)

In my review for Road Trip, I gave the sophomoric hit negative points due to its “shameful laziness” in delivering a script that “a group of real college kids could write over the course of...


Made (2001)

Fans of Jon Favreau’s first effort, Swingers, have eagerly anticipated a follow-up to one of their most beloved films by the same creative mind. However, whether or not Favreau’s latest film, Made, is a success or...


The Cell (2000)

Well, I guess Hollywood still thinks the horror boom of last summer will pay off this year, but people looking for a good time at the theater should probably do their best to avoid The...


Psycho (1998)

Treading on some serious hallowed ground here, folks. Director Gus Van Sant decides he wants the certain fruitless endeavor of remaking a masterpiece. Talk about doomed from the start! A secretary is entrusted with...


Clay Pigeons (1998)

Clay is setup by the husband of the woman he’s having an affair when hubby commits suicide and tries to make it look like Clay killed him. Clay wants no one to suspect so...