Tagged: Wes Bentley


The Hunger Games (2012)

The Hunger Games is based on Suzanne Collins’ bestselling young-adult novel of the same name. The futuristic storyline primarily revolves around 16-year-old girl Katniss Everdeen (Lawrence), who is the unlucky contestant, volunteering in place...


Ghost Rider (2007)

One of Marvel’s second-tier “superhero” comics combines elements that were popular in the 1970s, including horror influences, motorcycle stunts, and a nomad protagonist who righted wrongs wherever he was needed.  “Ghost Rider” wasn’t exactly...


American Beauty (1999)

Lester Burnham (Spacey) hits his midlife crisis when his job is in jeopardy, his wife (Bening) won’t have sex with him, and his daughter (Birch) despises him. His new neighbors include an ultra-right-wing nut (Cooper) and...