Tagged: William Broyles Jr.


Jarhead (2005)

It may be nearly wholly anecdotal material, but Jarhead is a war film not quite like the others, as this one shows almost exclusively what it’s like to be a soldier during those times when there...


Cast Away (2000)

While finding many scenes of Cast Away to be fascinating, I must say that as a whole I was less than impressed with the end result. Tom Hanks gives an incredibly self-sacrificing performance, and is...


Planet of the Apes (2001)

Remaking one of the best sci-fi films of all time was bound to be an arduous task, and the fact that this new incarnation of Planet of the Apes is pretty solid entertainment even if it...


Apollo 13 (1995)

In 1970, the world was already becoming bored by the missions into space, seeming routine after the pinnacle of achievement the year before with the first manned landing on the moon.  The mission of...