Tagged: Woody Harrelson


Wilson (2017)

Adapted by Daniel Clowes (Art School Confidential, Ghost World) from his own graphic novel from 2010, Wilson progresses beyond the one-panel comic strips from its print counterpart for the purpose of a more straightforward black comedy story...


Now You See Me 2 (2016)

The makers of the deliberately vapid and highly superfluous Now You See Me 2 have chosen to fully embrace the dumbness of its premise, going full bore into just trying to make it ridiculous to the...


Seven Psychopaths (2012)

In Bruges writer-director Martin McDonagh returns with his eagerly anticipated follow-up, Seven Psychopaths, and it is witty, wacky, weird, and woefully awful all at the same time. This time the setting shifts to the United States,...


Game Change (2012)

Based on the best-selling book by reporters and political commentators Mark Halperin and John Heileman, Game Change is a made-for-HBO docudrama relating the rise and fall of the 2008 Republican campaign for president for Arizona Senator...


The Hunger Games (2012)

The Hunger Games is based on Suzanne Collins’ bestselling young-adult novel of the same name. The futuristic storyline primarily revolves around 16-year-old girl Katniss Everdeen (Lawrence), who is the unlucky contestant, volunteering in place...


Zombieland (2009)

Refreshing, in these times, to find a spoof on a genre of films that isn’t just rattling off of pop culture references and obvious sight gags, though Shaun of the Dead is still a favorite for...