Tagged: writer


Gaudi Afternoon (2001)

Based on the novel by Barbara Wilson, Gaudi Afternoon is a gender-bender mystery that plays as a mix of Woody Allen and Pedro Almodovar, where most of its laughs come from the interaction of the...


I Love Trouble (1994)

Nick Nolte stars as Peter Brackett, Chicago’s most popular reporter, and eligible bachelor.  Brackett has been coasting for years off of his own image and reputation, regurgitating his older material and trying to pass...


American Splendor (2003)

American Splendor is a movie unlike any other, taken from the pages of Harvey Pekar’s autobiographical underground comic book of the same name.  The husband/wife team of Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini do a semi-documentary...


The Final Curtain (2002)

Perhaps the best thing you can say about The Final Curtain is that it’s only 85 minutes long.  The worst thing you can say is that it’s 85 minutes of your life you won’t get back...


Manhattan (1979)

There may forever be arguments as to which film is Woody Allen’s best, with Annie Hall perhaps gaining the most attention.  However, if the question were regarding which film most exemplified Woody Allen as a great...


Alex and Emma (2003)

Alex & Emma is Rob Reiner’s first film in over four years, and after crafting some of the better popular entertainment films of the 80s, it now seems that he might have lost his golden...


Adaptation. (2002)

I have to be honest here.  After being completely mesmerized by the first hour or so of the latest Charlie Kaufman/Spike Jonze collaboration, Adaptation, I had a notion it would easily be my favorite film of...


Almost Famous (2000)

It’s hard to believe the budget for ALMOST FAMOUS was $60 million when you consider the fact that the film has no big name stars or special effects like SPACE COWBOYS, which had about the same budget....


Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)

Here’s another one of those reviews that is probably bound to disappoint a few readers.  I’m aware that this film is a favorite for many, particularly for women and fans of Hepburn.  I don’t...