Tagged: Yuen Woo-ping


The Grandmaster (2013)

The unfortunate story behind The Grandmaster is how much of a labor of love it had been for its director/co-writer and acclaimed auteur Wong Kar-Wai (My Blueberry Nights), who spent the good part of a decade...


Wing Chun (1994)

Wing Chun has two saving graces: Yuen Woo-ping’s (Iron Monkey, In the Line of Duty 4) breathtaking martial arts choreography and Michelle Yeoh’s (The Heroic Trio, Magnificent Warriors) dynamic physical performance. Just like a musical is entertaining...


Tai Chi 2 (1996)

I’m not altogether sure why this is called TAI CHI “2” because by all appearances this is not a sequel, and if by some small chance it is, you certainly don’t need to see the first...


Iron Monkey (1993)

Right before director Yuen Woo-ping would direct his almost equally amazing WING CHUN, and six years before he would become the choreographer for THE MATRIX and CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON, Yuen Woo-ping delivered this cult gem of Hong...