Tagged: hacking


TRON (1982)

In the 1980s, Disney has been in the course of trying to find its footing yet again for the prominence it once held in the world of animation.  This included pulling in talent from...


WarGames (1983)

I suppose that the more time goes on, the more dated WarGames becomes, not only because of the archaic technology employed within the movie, but also in the Cold War nuclear politics that were still quite...


Criminal (2016)

It’s perhaps fitting that the generically titled Criminal‘s plot centers around a man who is, literally, conflicted about who he is supposed to be when the film itself suffers from the same conflict.  Directed by...


Furious 7 (2015)

The gang is back for, the poster says, “one last ride.”  If this is the last film for the main core players of the franchise (don’t bet on it; promotional interviews already are talking...