Tagged: Michael Crichton


The Andromeda Strain (1971)

Michael Crichton’s 1969 sci fi-thriller novel of the same name serves as the basis of this film, which jumped into production not long after the book’s release.  It starts off in the town of...


Twister (1996)

Incredible sounds and special effects are the big draws in this popular popcorn movie attraction, and it’s a good thing they are worth the price of the viewing, as the in-between banter among the...


Looker (1981)

Looker is one of Michael Crichton’s several modern science fiction thrillers that are almost wholly interchangeable in terms of plot developments and general storylines, even if the events that hold them together are all...


Runaway (1984)

Sometime in the near future, robots have become common household appliances and machines used in every facet of the business.  As advanced as technology can sometimes be, that doesn’t stop the occasional robot from...


Timeline (2003)

A popular Michael Crichton novel gets the big budget movie treatment yet again, and like many of the other adaptations of his work, the results are only so-so.  Here, it’s fairly easy to see...


The 13th Warrior (1999)

In 922 AD, an Arab ambassador is chosen to accompany a band of roguish Vikings up through Northern Europe where they encounter a cult of man-beasts who not only vastly outnumber them, but appear...


Westworld (1973)

An amusement park/resort is created in another world called Delos, where there are various “worlds” people can stay in and feel as if they are there. Participate in an orgy in Romanworld, have a...


Sphere (1998)

Michael Crichton began writing “Sphere” in 1969 as a conceptual follow-up idea after his best-selling novel, “The Andromeda Strain”. He liked sci-fi stories where aliens wouldn’t resemble humans in any way.  Whereas “The Andromeda...


Jurassic Park (1993)

Jurassic Park‘s origin starts with author Michael Crichton in 1981. While Crichton attended a museum dinosaur exhibit. he observed a young child calling out species of dinosaurs during a slideshow presentation. Realizing their universal...