Tagged: scientist


Hulk (2003)

“You’re making me angry.  You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” Oh yes, we would, Bruce!  It’s about the only time we do like you, as without the few scenes where we get to...


Darkman (1990)

Reportedly, director Sam Raimi wanted to film the old comic hero, The Shadow, but couldn’t get the rights, so he created a darker, more bleak version in Darkman.  It’s much darker than its big-screen predecessor...


Torn Curtain (1966)

Long considered a critical misfire despite it’s commercial success, Torn Curtain is an Alfred Hitchcock film deserving of another look by those who might consider it lesser Hitchcock fare.  While it is undeniably not a...


Sphere (1998)

Michael Crichton began writing “Sphere” in 1969 as a conceptual follow-up idea after his best-selling novel, “The Andromeda Strain”. He liked sci-fi stories where aliens wouldn’t resemble humans in any way.  Whereas “The Andromeda...


Jackie Chan’s Who Am I? (1998)

A trio of scientists studying strange meteorites are abducted by a crew of commandos, but the commando squad is sabotaged by someone higher up and only Jackie (Chan) survives – but he can’t even remember...


Shivers (1975)

When a reputable scientist murders a young woman in his apartment by destroying her internal organs before taking his own life, it’s liable to raise a few questions. Enter Dr. Roger St. Luc, who...


Chain Reaction (1996)

Keanu Reeves (A Walk in the Clouds, Speed) stars as Eddie Kasalivich, a machinist working on an experiment to rid the world of petroleum products and introduce hydrogen-based power into the world through an ever...