Westworld (1973)

An amusement park/resort is created in another world called Delos, where there are various “worlds” people can stay in and feel as if they are there. Participate in an orgy in Romanworld, have a swordfight in Medievalworld, or have a gunfight in Westworld, it’s all up to you, and it’s all safe because the androids which you can fight with or even make love to are designed not to hurt anyone or turn down their advances. Things turn dangerous when the androids begin to exhibit problems with their central intelligence making them act erratic (to say the least).
Outside of some cheesy acting, Westworld a fun and compelling sci-fi thriller that delivers on humor and action. Yul Brynner may have only five lines in the film, but he is brilliant as the gunslinger went berserk, chasing after the hapless Richard Benjamin for the latter half of the film. It’s amazing how entertaining it is with such a low budget, and this being a first for famed writer Crichton at the helm.
While it is undeniably a popcorn film, there’s also no denying the influence it had in the world of sci-fi films as a whole. Strands of its story can be found in The Terminator (relentless android that can’t be stopped), Predator (a nonhuman being with heightened senses and infrared sight preying on humans) and even in Crichton’s later and more accessible work Jurassic Park (high-concept amusement park that goes awry and becomes deadly.)
Suspension of disbelief is a must to enjoy, but to those who are game, Westworld offers a good deal of fun thrills.
Qwipster’s rating: A
MPAA Rated PG for violence, sexual content, and language (probably PG-13 today)
Running time: 88 min.
Cast: Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin, James Brolin, Norman Bartold, Dick Van Patten
Director: Michael Crichton
Screenplay: Michael Crichton